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Important Information about  the Infinite Possibilities Program

The discounted sale price of the qualifying items part of the Infinite Possibilities Program (collectively “IPP Products”) in the Infinite Possibilities Program (the “Program”) is expressly conditional on the purchaser (“Purchaser”) returning the old components from his or her Onefinity CNC machine (“old components”) to Kirbre Enterprises Inc. (“Onefinity”) upon receipt of the IPP Products. The Purchaser understands and agrees that the discounted price and delivery of the IPP Products under the terms of the Program is conditional on the Purchaser returning the old components to Onefinity within 30 calendar days of receipt of the IPP Products. In the event the Purchaser fails to return the old components within the 30 day return period, Onefinity will retract the discount provided to the Purchaser through the Program and charge the Purchaser the difference between the regular price and the discounted sale price plus any applicable taxes.

Your participation in the Program for upgrading the Onefinity CNC machines and the availability of any discount or benefit offered under or in relation to this Program is subject to your compliance with the terms and conditions.

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